Flaq x Biconomy

December 26th, 2022

Flaq x Biconomy

Flaq has partnered with Biconomy to help users crack the non-tech side of web3! Together, we will be launching an 'Exclusives' vertical, which will be onboarding leaders of this space to provide expert advice on the various fields- marketing, growth, community building, business development, finance, and so on.

What does the partnership look like?

As part of the partnership, Flaq and Biconomy aim to cater to two different audiences - Firstly, web2 non-tech users who want to enter and make a career in the non-tech side of web3, for instance - I’m a web2 marketer, wanting to take up a part time web3 marketing gig. Secondly, web3 folks who are building and could use advice on the non-tech side of web3, like design, growth strategies, marketing, etc.

On January 2nd, 2023, Exclusives will host Aditya Khanduri, the head of marketing at Biconomy, to gather knowledge about the different marketing tips and tricks of the web3 space. Watch out for Web3 Marketing 101, here - Exclusives

About Flaq

Flaq is a community-driven DAO, free of cost, and widely accessible multilingual educational platform for ALL things web3. If you’ve ever thought to yourself - what is cryptocurrency? What are digital wallets? what are NFTs? what’s Defi? etc., and so on and so forth - we have the answers for you. Flaq offers academic and practical learning both - through interactive simulations that let web2 folks ‘Testrun web3’.

Flaq’s ‘Testrun Web3’ interactive simulations portray every on-chain action on multiple chains, thereby ensuring that every web2 user can make themselves comfortable with web3, before leaping into it.

About Biconomy

Biconomy is a developer platform to enable a simplified transaction and onboarding experience for Web3 projects. Their aim is to make web3 products as intuitive and easy to use as legacy web2 products. Simplifying this transaction experience will be key for decentralized projects to achieve any sort of adoption. Thus, by solving key pain points at the crypto transactional layer, Biconomy is on a mission to simplify Web 3 experiences that will drive mass adoption.