Flaq Team

Flaq is a community-driven educational platform that focusses on quality onboarding to web3. What's our story? Well, that's simple - we were trying to learn more about web3 individually and always seemed to get intimidated by either heavily expensive courses, or web3 wordy complex articles, or unstructured content that made us jump from blockchain to DeFi. 😥

Noticing this gap in the present web3 space, we decided to come up with a completely free, user-friendly, interactive educational platform where you don't just get structured, curated, easy to understand educational content to learn web3, but you also get interactive simulations that help you testrun web3! 🎉

Now, you can learn how to create a wallet, understand what a public key is, private key is, learn how to swap tokens, and a lot more of the practical side of web3 by simply trying out our testrun simulations! Try web3, trust web3, then conquer web3. 🤗🚀

Get in touch
Muaaz Khan
Tech and Ops Lead

Backend and Blockchain developer. Built and Managed 10+ projects in the last 4 years. Overseeing Operational Activities at Onpar Labs.

Sarthak Sharma
Product Lead

Veteran developer with industry experience
of over 5 years, working for corporates like iHeartMedia. Blockchain enthusiast for the past 2 years

Akshita Goyal
Content Lead

4+ years as a freelance content writer, extensive experience as Chief Editor of leading blogs. Enthusiastic to learn something new about web3 everyday, with you.