3rd Offline Event- Flaq x Atria Institute of Technology

Flaq Academy
December 23rd, 2022

Our third offline event!

Flaq conducted its third offline educational event in collaboration with Atria Institute of Technology, Bangalore, on the 23rd of December, 2022! 🚀

Flaq set a new benchmark for itself, for the event witnessed 100+ students from the institution, who were extremely eager to learn about web3! Surprisingly, none of the 100+ students had even heard about the term 'web3' before, necessitating the need to bring web3 education to the masses even more firmly!

Proceeding on this understanding, Akshita, the co-founder of Flaq elaborated on the birth of the internet that can be attributed to ARPANET during the cold war. Followed by the birth of the web at the hands of Tim Berners Lee! Fun fact - most people didn’t know who Tim Berners Lee was! 🤑The gradual evolution from a read-only web in web1 to the read-write web in web2 to the read-write-own web in web3 was explained by Akshita and Muaaz with many relatable examples such as Amazon, Yahoo, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. We talked about things like the Mosaic browser, the first ever Twitter post, Steve Jobs, and so much more! 📱A tiny break warranted a surprise question testing how much our audience was listening to us and we asked them who the founder of the web was. To our happy surprise, multiple people answered and we gave the answerers, a Flaq tshirt as a prize! 👕This was followed by a discussion by Ashwin, the co-founder of Flaq, on the flaws that web2 brings with it with many examples to explain the web2 audience, such as the PRISM program, Instagram ad algorithm, Turkey’s ban on Wikipedia, TikTok ban, The Social Dilemma movie, the Zuckerberg monopoly, and so much more!

The web3 changes revolving around making money a native feature of the internet, decentralized applications and digital identities were then elaborated on to the audience. The benefits of a decentralized storage system were elaborated upon to explain that web3 solves the issues around data loss. This was followed by a discussion on the myths that surround the cryptocurrencies. Some of the myths that the audience had were that all cryptos are the same, high returns are likely and that there are no green cryptos! We busted all of these myths and more! We relied on reports by the IMF, Forbes, Deloitte, etc., and informed them of interesting facts such as India’s launch of the digital rupee, El Salvador’s legalization of crypto, the carbon negativity of Algorand and carbon neutrality of NEAR, as well as the fact that Gucci, Starbucks, Microsoft, etc. now accept payments in crypto in the US! 🥳

Ending the event on a fun note with a couple more questions from us and the audience; we took some pictures and got to know a lil more about each other’s backgrounds! All in all - we deem it a successful third event! 🙌🏼Here are some pics! -

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