Flaq x Yellow

December 15th, 2022

Flaq x Yellow

With Yellow University’s launch, Flaq has partnered with them to create a long-standing impact on web3 education, together.

With web3 increasingly becoming a space that the web2 folks associate purely with cryptocurrencies or NFTs, it is extremely pertinent, now more than ever, to have the right kind of web3 awareness and education being imparted. This is where our partnership comes in.

Both, Flaq and Yellow University are focussed on web2 to web3 onboarding through guided onramps and yet, each have found their unique ways to do the same, in a manner that supplements the other.

Flaq, is an educational platform that allows people to learn all things Web3 in a multilingual format — from cryptocurrencies and wallets to tips on web3 and NFTs, DeFi, and DAOs — while mastering Web3 with interactive simulations and step-by-step guides, making it easy for anyone to get up to speed with this exciting space. Flaq also conducts offline educational events to reach out to as many web2 folks as it can, in order to create a meaningful impact and eventually, onboard them into web3.

Yellow University is a platform that offers comprehensive education on Web3 and blockchain, with a focus on providing high-quality text materials, tests, and video sessions with experts in the crypto sphere. In addition to offering valuable knowledge, Yellow University also rewards its students with Yellow’s community token, $DUCKIES.

What does the partnership look like?

Flaq will be offering its interactive simulations to the students of Yellow University so that they get a taste of practical learning as well. This way, the Yellow University students will be able to try out Flaq’s ‘Testrun Web3’ interactive simulations that portray every on-chain action on multiple chains, thereby ensuring that every web2 user can make themselves comfortable with web3, before leaping into it.

On the other hand, at the end of every quiz on Flaq, users will receive a completion NFT and Yellow’s community token, $DUCKIES.Throughout this partnership, both, Yellow and Flaq will constantly be supplementing each other’s roles in web3 awareness and education thereby finding newer avenues each day where their synergies align.

Yellow University’s students also continue to gain valuable insights from Flaq’s Co-Founder, Akshita Goyal, as she speaks about web3 and blockchain on some of Yellow University’s weekly educational live streams. Few of these can be accessed here:

Folks from Flaq are very excited to be collaborating with Yellow and hopefully, together, we can take web3 awareness and education to new heights! Only onwards and upwards from here on. ⬆️

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